Sustainability in research

Buildings and materials, Spatial and Regional Development Planning and Transport Engineering, water, environment and biosystems

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Climate change, resource consumption, resilience, regenerative materials, material cycles, sustainable cities and regions, protection against climate disasters, efficient construction, digitalization, biodiversity, water protection


[Image: © IREUS]

[Image: © ILEK]
Adaptive structures
Adaptive structures

[Image: © ILEK]
Extreme weather events as a result of climate change
Extreme weather events as a result of climate change

[Image: © IREUS]
Water supply and waste water treatment
Water supply and waste water treatment

[Image: © ISWA]

[Image: © ILEK]
Strace substances analysis
Strace substances analysis

[Image: © ISWA]

Buildings and Materials

The great variety and quantity of existing buildings as well as the unabated demand for new construction represent an enormous challenge on the way to a climate-neutral and climate-adapted built environment. Material and land consumption must be reduced. The use of resources must become more efficient and more cycle-oriented. An optimal balance must be found for energy demand and supply. In view of the cost development and the uncertain availability of both raw materials and skilled workers, building products and processes must be designed holistically.

Spacal Development and Mobility

This area is concerned with research that combines aspects of spatial and settlement structure and transport development with issues of sustainability, such as climate neutrality and climate resilience. The focus is on planning and modeling that enable integrated transport and settlement development aimed at sustainability. Thus, the research field offers direct solution competencies for the SDGs: 11 sustainable cities and communities, 13 climate action, and 3 health and well-being.

Water, Environment and Biosystems

The area of water, environmental and biosystems deals with methods and technologies for maintaining the quality of water as a natural resource as well as for humans and other living organisms. For this purpose, models are being developed that depict processes in the overall hydraulic and hydrological system and are used for resource-saving environmental design, or that simulate the function of individual extremities.

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