Colourful letters forming the word HELP

International Service Point (ISP) – Faculty 2

The ISP of Faculty 2 is the first point of contact for international students (and prospective international students) of full-time German-language degree programs of the faculty.

Not every beginning is magical. That is why we want to support our international students and as well prospective international students in the best possible way when starting their studies and during their studies. The ISP-Faculty 2 provides support with questions about the study programs, with problems of studying and everyday life.

The ISP is aimed exclusively at international students and prospective students of the German-language full-time degree programs at Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering.

These include:

[Photos: Picture: Anne Weiss, easydb-FH6A7036.jpg/Uni Stuttgart/Bilddatenbank, Anne Weiß, o.A., o.A.]



International Service point (ISP) | Faculty 2

Pfaffenwaldring 7, Stuttgart

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