Informations for students

Everything, that is interesting for students

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General informations on the courses of studies

The studies website of the University – and especially the compass for your choice of studies – globally inform about the possible bachelor's courses of studies at the University of Stuttgart. Here you can get an impression about the contents of teaching and the level of expectations, that is awaiting you within the differnt courses of studies.

The faculty 2: Civil and environmental engineering is offering informations on the following bachelor's courses of studies:

All students of the faculty 2: Civil and environmental engineering are allowed to use the workspaces and workstations of both of the CIP pools of the faculty.


Pfaffenwaldring 7:
  • Room 1.103 (33 m², ECUS lock)
  • Room 1.106 (34 m², ECUS lock)
  • Room 3.154 (102 m², ECUS lock)

CIP pools at the Pfaffenwaldring 7

  • Room -0.009 (32 workstations, especially for students of WAREM/MIP, ECUS lock)
  • Room 1.153 (25 workstations, especially for hearers of different lectures of the ILEK, KE and IABP, ECUS lock)

To get open access you have to fill out the CIP-Pool-Nutzungsantrag 2017 (including your agreement of the terms of use) and have the confirmation of an institute. Please note, that your request will be answered in a week after application or later.

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