Water and environment

Safety of ressources and environmental planning and modelling

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The focus water and environment with currently eight professorships and one junior professorship from three institutes is concerned with securing high-quality resources as well as the increasing importance of environmental design, environmental protection and the technology required for this. On the one hand, this includes analyses of the water cycle changed by anthropogenic influences. Methods, strategies and techniques for the management of surface and subterranean water are being investigated, and models are being developed that map the processes taking place in the overall hydraulic and hydrological system.

The focus area encompasses hydro systems, integrated river basin management, water in urban areas, hydro and environmental mechanics as well as environmental and development planning. The focus is also on the use of water as drinking, process and cooling water as well as energy resource and transport route. On the other hand, as resource management measures, the generation, avoidance, recycling and disposal of waste, wastewater and exhaust air are analysed, modelled and evaluated, and techniques and strategies therefore are developed via decentralised to global cycles. This also includes the scientifically based identification and measurement of environmentally relevant parameters, including monitoring. The Water Research Centre Stuttgart (wfz) bundles the competences in the field of water.

Special features: Competences in environmental engineering prognosis models and experiments in the large-scale experimental facilities VEGAS (Research Facility for Subsurface Remediation), LFKW (Teaching and research sewage treatment plant) und Hydraulic Laboratory, anchoring of environmental analytics, sanitary and hydraulic engineering, waste management and hydrogeology/hydrosystem modelling in one faculty

Study programmes with a focus on water and environment

International Doctoral Program Environment Water ENWAT
Institutes and departmens with a focus on water and environment

Other research focuses of the faculty:
Computational mechanics, Structural Engineering, Transport systems

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