Structural engineering

Integrative design and construction of buildings across materials

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The focus structural engineering, which currently comprises ten professorships from seven institutes and one endowed junior professorship, was shaped by a number of world-renowned academic teachers who developed the interdisciplinary approach and working method typical of the University of Stuttgart in close cooperation with the faculty 1: Architecture and urban planning.

The focus is on the highest level of analysis of the behaviour of buildings as a synthesis of the design of the load-bearing structure, architectural design, quality of use, sustainability and manufacture. This includes questions of acoustics, building physics, durability, recycling behaviour, high-performance materials, composite materials, fastening techniques and innovative concepts for adaptive, self-changing systems. Structural engineering is characterised by the joint teaching and research of different materials, the design of engineering structures, the experimental and computational modelling and simulation of components and load-bearing structures as well as the topics of monitoring, building maintenance, construction operation, geophysics and geotechnics.

Special features: Integrative competencies in the design and construction of buildings across materials (experimental research at the Materials testing institute (Otto-Graf-Institut) with a unique position in lightweight construction, fastening technology and building physics (coupling with the Fraunhofer institute for building physics).

Study programmes with a focus on structural engineering
Institutes and departments with a focus on structural engineering
Other research focuses of the faculty:

Computational mechanics, Transport systems, Water and environment


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