Building Pfaffenwaldring 7 on the Vaihingen Campus


term of office: 10/2023 until 9/2027

Board of deans and deans of studies

Board of Deans

Tenure: 1st of October 2021 until 30th of September 2025



Prof. Oliver Röhrle, Ph.D.

Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, Room 2.013
Tel. +49 711 685-66284, Fax +49 711 685-66347, E-Mail Prof. Röhrle

Vice Dean

Prof. Hofmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Hofmann

Institute for Construction Materials, Pfaffenwaldring 4, Room 1.22
Tel. +49 711 685-63322, Fax +49 711 685-62285, E-Mail Prof. Hofmann

Dean of Students of the Faculty


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc-André Keip

Institute for Applied Mechanics - Civil Engineering, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Room 3.166
Tel. +49 711 685-66233, Fax +49 711 685-66347, E-Mail Prof. Keip

Deans of Study

Tenure: 1st of October 2019 until 30th of September 2023

Dean of Students for the study programs Civil Engineering


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc-André Keip

Institute for Applied Mechanics - Civil Engineering, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Room 3.166
Tel. +49 711 685-66233, Fax +49 711 685-66347, E-Mail Prof. Keip 

Dean of Students for the study programs Environmental Engineering


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Metzger

Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management, Chair of Hydrochenistry and Hydrobiology, Bandtäle 2, Room 0.011
Tel. +49 711 685-63721, Fax +49 711 685-63729, E-Mail Prof. Metzger

Dean of Students for the study programs Transport Engineering and Infrastructure Planning (MIP)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Friedrich

Institute for Road and Transport Science, Chair of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Room 0.139
Tel. +49 711 685-82480, Fax +49 711 685-82484, E-Mail Prof. Friedrich

Dean of Students for the study programs Real Estate Engineering and Management (acting)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Garrecht

Institute for Construction Materials, Pfaffenwaldring 4, Room 1.10
Tel. +49 711 685-63323, Fax +49 711 685-67681, E-Mail Prof. Garrecht

Dean of Students for the study program Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb

Institute for Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering), Chair Computational Continuum Mechanics, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Office Chair Computational Continuum Mechanics
Tel. +49 711 685-66029, Fax +49 711 685-66347, E-Mail Prof. Steeb

Dean of Students for the study program Water Resources Engineering and Management (WAREM)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Wieprecht

Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, Chair of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems, Pfaffenwaldring 61, Room 0.927
Tel. +49 711 685-64461, Fax +49 711 685-64746, E-Mail Prof. Wieprecht

Dean of Students for the study program International Construction: Practice and Law

Prof. Jünger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Christian Jünger

Institute for Construction Management, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Room 1.144
Tel. +49 711 685-66144, Fax +49 711 685-51067, E-Mail Prof. Jünger

Dean of Students for the study program Master:Online Acoustics


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philip Leistner

Institute for Acoustics and of Building Physics, Pfaffenwaldring 7, Room 0.927
Tel. +49 711 685-66577, Fax +49 711 685-66583, E-Mail Prof. Leistner

Dean of Students for the study program Master:Online Building Physics (acting)


Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Garrecht

Institute for Construction Materials, Pfaffenwaldring 4, Room 1.10
Tel. +49 711 685-63323, Fax +49 711 685-67681, E-Mail Prof. Garrecht

Faculty Office

Faculty Office

Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart, 2nd Floor, Room 0.128

Tel. +49 711 685-66234, Fax +49 711 685-56234, E-Mail Faculty Office


Min Zhang, M.A.

Faculty Manager

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Manthey

Faculty Manager

Dipl.-Kfm. Ulrich Rentschler

Central Study Program Manager

Anne Weiß M.A., M.Sc.

Central Study Program Manager

Hartmut Kuhnke M.Sc.
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