Committees and bodies

High faculty board and committees, officers, student organisations

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Faculty Council (GFR)


The Faculty Council elects the Deanery, advises on all matters of fundamental importance to the Faculty and must approve the structural and development planning or changes in the subdivisions of the Faculty, such as institutes (establishment, dissolution, ...). The GFR decides on recommendation of appointments and co-optations as well as the study and examination regulations in agreement with the respective study commission appointed by the GFR.


The high faculty board consists in July 2024 of 52 persons. This are:

  • all 34 professors and junior professors of Faculty 2, including those adjunct professors with post-doctoral qualifications, status as a professor and authority to supervise theses,
  • All co-opted professors (actually 4 coming form the Faculties 1 and 6 and from University of Konstanz),
  • 3 elected representatives from the academic service,
  • 1 elected representative of the administrative and technical staff,
  • 3 elected representatives of the doctoral researchers,
  • 7 elected representatives of the students.

Contact person faculty office: Min Zhang and Sabine Manthey, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 2. floor, room 2.128 and 2.126

Tel.+49 711 685-66234, Fax +49 711 685-56234, E-Mail faculty office

Committees of the GFRs

The High Faculty Board has established a number of commissions for preliminary consultation and, in some cases, decision-making:

  • Honors committee, chairman: Prof. Martin
  • Selection committee state graduate support, chairman: Dean Prof. Hofmann
  • Strategy development group, chairman: Dean Prof. Hofmann, contact person faculty office: Ulrich Rentschler
  • Study commission funds committee, chairman: Dean of Students Prof. Jünger, contact person faculty office: Sabine Manthey

Committees related to study programs

Study Comm.


The faculty's Study Commissions make recommendations on the further development of the study programs and on the use of the funds earmarked for study and teaching. They participate in the evaluation of teaching.


Each Study Commission has a maximum of ten members, four of whom are students. The Dean of Studies of the study program chairs the Study Commission. If required, the names of the ordinary members of the Study Commissions can be requested from the Faculty Office.

Examination Comm.


The examination committee of the respective egree programme organises the examinations, decides (if necessary by the person chairing it) on applications for extensions of the deadline etc. and ensures that the examination regulations are observed. The examination board appoints the examiners.


The composition of an examination committee is regulated in the examination regulations of the respective study program. You will find the chairpersons of the examination committees in C@MPUS.

Select.+Admis. Comm.

Selection and admissions committee


The respective selection committees (for Bachelor's programs with selection procedures or admission restrictions, at Faculty 2 IuI, UMW and VIng) or the respective admission committee (for all Master's programs) decide on the admission of prospective students.


The composition of the selection committees, most of which are appointed by the GFR, is laid down in the respective admissions regulations:

  • Selection committee for Real Estate Engineering and Management: 1 university teacher, 1 member of the full-time scientific staff, 1 advisor from the group of students;
  • Selection committee for Environmental Engineering: 2 members of full-time scientific staff, including 1 from the group of professors, 2 from the group of students as advisors; proposal by the Joint Commission for Environmental Engineering, appointment by Rector;
  • Selection committee for Transport Eningeering: 3 members of full-time scientific staff, including at least 1 from the group of professors

As a general rule, the admission committees are identical to the respective examination committees (see the respective admissions regulations). Exceptions are

  • The Admissions Committee for Environmental Engineering: 2 members of the full-time scientific staff, including at least 1 from the group of university lecturers; one student possible as advisor
  • The Admissions Committee for Transport Engineering: Identical to the selection committee for the Bachelor's program in Transport Engineering

Further Committees

Doctoral committee


The doctoral committee decides on the processes in the doctoral procedures of the faculty, such as the acceptance as a doctoral candidate, the admissions to the doctoral examination and the appointment of the examination committees for the individual doctoral procedures. Its other tasks are described in the current doctoral regulations [DE] of the University of Stuttgart.

Chairperson: Dean, actually Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan. Hofmann

Contact person faculty office: Min Zhang


In Faculty 2, professors, tenure-track professors, junior professors, extraordinary professors and private lecturers form the Doctoral Committee.

Habilitation commission


The habilitation commission decides on the processes on the processes in the faculty's habilitation procedures such as admission to the habilitation, the appointment of reviewers for the habilitation procedures as well as the assessment of the habilitation thesis and the oral habilitation performance. It decides on the designation of the subject or subject area of a habilitation.

Chairperson: Dean, actually Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan. Hofmann

Contact person faculty office: Min Zhang



The Habilitation Commission consists of the full-time professors working in the faculty as well as the private lecturers who are members of the High Faculty Board.


Prof. Moormann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Moormann

Institute of Geotechnical Engineering (IGS), Pfaffenwaldring 35
Tel. +49 711 685-62437, E-Mail Prof. Moormann

Dr.-Ing Joachim Schwarte and Dipl.-Ing. Paul Schmieder

responsible for the study programs

Institute of Construction Materials (IWB), Pfaffenwaldring 4
Tel. +49 711 685-62741 and -62740, Fax +49 711 685-63349, E-Mail Schwarte and E-Mail Schmieder

Dieses Bild zeigt Daniel Dobslaw

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Dobslaw

responsible for the study programs  Environmental Engineering B. Sc. and M. Sc.

Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA), Department of Multiscale Environmental Process Engineering, Bandtäle 2
Tel. +49 711 685-65406, Fax +49 711 685-63729, E-Mail D. Dobslaw

A. Weiß

Anne Weiß, M. A., M. Sc.

Study program WAREM, Pfaffenwaldring 7
Tel. +49 711 685-66616, E-Mail A. Weiß

Terms of office: October 1st, 2023 until September 30th, 2026

Dieses Bild zeigt Lisa-Marie Krauß

Lisa-Marie Krauß, M. Sc.

Institute for Structural Mechanics IBB, Pfaffenwaldring 7
Tel. +49 711 685-66119, E-Mail Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Terms of office: October 1st, 2023 until September 30th, 2026


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Bischoff

Institute of Structural Mechanics (IBB), Pfaffenwaldring 7, 1. floor, room 1.004
Tel. +49 711 685-66123, Fax +49 711 685-82484, E-Mail Prof. Bischoff

Student's organisations


Student Council

Chairman: Tom Ruhnke
Deputy chairman: Philipp Hubschneider

E-Mail Chairpersons Student Council Faculty 2


Student organisation Civil Engineering

Spokesperson: Lucas Zwansleitner
Pfaffenwaldring 7, GF, room 0.152
Tel. +49 711 685-66151, E-Mail SO CE


student organisation CE


Student organisation Environmental Engineering

Spokesperson: Tamara Bühler
Pfaffenwaldring 9, GF, room 0.164
Tel. +49 711 685-66412, E-Mail SO EE


SO Environmental Engineering [DE]


Student organisation Real Estate Engineering and Management

Spokesperson: Rebecca Boger
Pfaffenwaldring 7, EG, room 0.153
Tel. +49 711 685-66158, E-Mail SO REEM


student organisation REEM


Student organisation Transport Engineering

Spokesperson: Simon Stubbe
Pfaffenwaldring 7, 1. floor, room 1.170
Tel. +49 711 685-65771, E-Mail SO TEng


student organisation TEng [DE]

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